Jun 13, 20192 min

High School Football Team Shows up to Birthday Party for Boy with Autism After Only 1 Person RSVP’d

Christian Larsen at his 9th Birthday Party

Birthday parties can carry a whole lot of excitement and an opportunity for long-lasting, memorable moments that you can cherish, importantly for a child.

Christian Larsen, of Meridian, Idaho, begged his mother, Lindsay, to invite his classmates to his 9th birthday party last month. Ultimately, she gave in and let him hand out the invitations at school. Then they patiently waited.

However, only one person RSVP’d.

Lindsay Larsen says she witnessed how some of the children interacted with her son; either ignoring Christian or quickly refusing when he asked them to attend his birthday party. It made her think that there might be something more to the lack of responses.

Christian has autism.

Lindsay took to Facebook and made a post about the lack of responses, as well as some insightful personal comments.

(You can view her post here)

Her friend Blythe Ben-David stepped in to make a miracle happen and said she knew someone who could help make Christian’s birthday party a memorable one. She talked to Dan Holtry, a family friend who happens to be the football coach at Nampa High School in Idaho. Fortunately, Holtry and his players were more than willing to drop by.

“The players jumped at the opportunity,” Holtry told CNN. “They were ready and willing to celebrate with Christian. Within seconds of a sent text they were 100 percent in. No hesitation whatsoever.”

On June 4th, the day of Christian`s birthday party, a few classmates, some children from the neighborhood and some family friends showed up.. then the special guests followed.

“The energy became electric and it was amazing to see how they all came together,” Lindsay Larsen told CNN in an email. “Christian often plays alone, or wanders off, but with the players there helping organize games, he became part of the action. He was playing alongside his peers, as well as the football players. I think it helped the other young children interact with Christian too.”

She stated that the players stayed until the end of the party to sing “Happy Birthday” and watch Christian open presents. Christian talked about the party for days and it certainly will be one that he and his family will cherish forever


“One of the best things about his personality, is that he is always looking for the positive,” Lindsay Larsen said. “He didn’t question why the players were there, he just loved it. He has said multiple times that it was the best birthday ever!”

Happy 9th Birthday Christian Larsen!